Friday, 1 April 2011

Light painting.

My first attempt at light painting. This is quite a difficult technique, but i am relatively happy with my first attempt. But still need a lot of practice. Just need  a car with a little more graceful lines, so it's more fun to experiment :-)

This image has an exposure time of 10 seconds, ISO 200, Aperture F14. The light painting was done with a 1.5-foot, 14W fluorescent lamp (with a stray light protection made ​​from a cereal box and black duct tape) which i moved at a steady movement  from the back to the front of the car. What needs improvement here is the reflections in the upper part of window that is not even, and I would have liked a bit of light on the wheels (but only slightly). might just as well be like this, since I have winter wheels and ugly hubcaps on :-) 
Found out that i need a wireless remote trigger for the camera, as this was quite cumbersome to first trigger the camera, and then run and "arrange" with the lighting :-)

There are only a small amount of photoshop work done on the image here.
A gradient tool in Lightroom (At the top and bottom of the picture). Removed the light spill in photoshop. A cooling filter to get a more blue tint. Thats it.......

And here is the original picture straight from the camera:

Here is a re-edit made from 2 exposures:

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