With 1000 ice spikes, at 5mm length each, made the driving experience extra special.
The Golf 7'th generation with 4-motion was the main product to show of, as this is the newest product. The new Golf also uses the 5'th generation Haldex. An extra bonus, is that the ESP is possible to shut off completely on the new Golf 4-Motion. In opposite to the 6'th generation that you could only turn off the ASR (Except on the Golf R).
Some of my shots was published at Hegnar.no , Side3.no, Bilnorge.no and at ABCnyheter.no you also find something about me :)
Click on the pictures to view them larger !
The 800nm Touareg V8 TDI !
Passat Alltrack, shot at 400mm and 1/80 second !
1000 ice spikes (total), at 5mm length each. Meaning not road legal :)
special tires made in collaboration with Däckproffsen.
At the end of the day, the journalists also got a ride in the Golf R with a pro driver from Car events.
270 horsepower, 4-motion and DSG